As you may or may not know, we’ve been working hard to make this happen - many of you have helped out by sending through your work, or volunteering with reviewing films or other admin tasks ahead of the event.
Now it’s finally time!
At the end of February we will host a full-day festival at SET Social in Peckham! Get ready for a full-day programme of activities, talks workshops, art and films, with food, drinks and music until late!
The theme of the festival is ARCHIVE, and we hope the day will get you to reflect on what archives are, how and who uses them, what power is inherent to them and what can be done differently going forward. We want our space to be a radical and inherently activist gathering where we reflect collectively, a place where we start conversations that can go on way beyond this evening.
We open the doors at 2pm, and will host engaging workshops & activities, showcase art and end the evening with the main film screening programme in two blocks.
Venue details: SET Social, 55a Nigel Road, SE15 4NP, Peckham, London.
is a continuation of the Visual Anthropology Films festival which we organised in Nov 2023.
Frequently asked questions and answers:
We have tiered tickets: £10 regular and £4 concession - you pay depending of what you are able to pay. We will not turn anyone away for the lack of funds so please contact us (email/instagram) if you need a free spot, and we will give it to you.
Please keep in mind we are organising this event voluntarily and without any funding so any additional donations are more than encouraged!
All money gathered will be used to cover for costs of printing, paying for the technician and to continue running our website with the online archive of films.
Please keep in mind that entries for workshops are only valid on the top of your festival admission ticket.
There are only 100 seated spaces in the main room where the main film showcase will take place! Please come in early if you want to sit, otherwise you may have to stand or be sat on the floor. Please contact us if you require a seated space so we reserve it for you.
The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please add a wheelchair accessible ticket on the top of your admission and we will make sure to prepare enough space for you at the festival to be comfortable.
All video work shown at the festival will have closed captions in English covering both the dialogue and the background sound used. Unfortunately, we currently have no funds to hire a sign language interpreter but we hope to do so in the future.
Drinks will be served all throughout the day at SET starting from 2pm. We will also have vegan catering 5-10pm with plates starting from £7.
The venue has two rooms: main room and the red bar. Whilst the main parts of the programme will take place in the main room, the red bar will host all art installations as well as serve as a social and hangout place throughout the event. There will be also plenty of space with seating outdoors.
Festival’s context
Resting on Visual Anthropology; our festival space will platform work that disrupts the status quo, critiques “objective” truth, and reshapes how we experience and interpret the world.
Anthropology is the study of people; how we live and who we are. Engaging critically with hierarchical and often violent pre-existing systems of ‘factual’ representation and knowledge production, this festival is an invitation to both those who have a connection to this discipline and those who don't, to explore the kind of filmmaking and art that emphasises context and exploration as a way to decolonise and imagine an otherwise.
For us, Visual Anthropology is an anthropology of the sensory and a sensual exploration of the anthropological - a road less travelled than that of systematic, purely empiricist and textual methods; one which can nurture nuance and subjectivity.
Running this festival is for us an inherently political thing.
We reject the increasingly normalised imperialist, racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and ableist discourses and oppose the rhetoric of the growing far-right. By building this platform, we want to connect people who share our values and bring about real-life social change.
We are determined to prioritise work submitted by those who have not yet established themselves as artists - to reflect our grassroots ethos.
We want KONTEKST to serve as a piece of infrastructure that that can be used to amplify important messages from those who do not yet have established audiences. Our festival will be programmed to be a multi-sided conversation in-between the artists and the audience. Providing feedbacks will be an integral part of the event.
VisAnth Films edition I
Avalon Cafe
SE14 5RW London
Showcase of experimental and ethnographic films in 3 acts: clash, search and cherish.